A Judicial System based on Law – Free of Political Control & Monetary Influence
By Richard Allen – December 2, 2024

This is the fourth part in the series on “What Makes America Exceptional and Different?” If you remember, we’ve already covered: 1.) Our freedom to speak and believe our values and make choices without coercion. 2.) That all eligible voters have a say in their government through free and fair elections. 3.) Our Laws are written and ratified by the consent of the governed through our chosen representatives. In this week’s Blog, we’ll cover another principle that makes America Exceptional and Different, but it is also one that’s being threatened by the Deep State. 4.) Lastly, our Judicial System is based on the Rule of Law, and has to be free of political control and the influence of money.
This ideal or principle is easier said than done. Throughout human history, the judicial systems and laws of most countries have been controlled by Kings, Queens, Emperors and other officials in government. It’s no coincidence that the Bible has much to say about unjust judges:
“Corrupt judges accept secret bribes, and then justice is not done” (Proverbs 17:23).
“Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly” (Leviticus 19:15).
“Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy” (Proverbs 31:19).
“Woe to unjust judges and to those who issue unfair laws, says the Lord, so that there is no justice for the poor, the widows, and orphans. Yes, it is true that they even rob the widows and fatherless children” (Isaiah 10:1).
It’s clear from even this brief sample of Scriptures that God doesn’t approve of making judgments for a bribe, showing favoritism, unfairness or using laws and judicial rulings to rob widows and orphans. Also, God doesn’t condone “showing partiality to the poor" (Leviticus 19:15). This verse makes it clear that God wants “righteous judgment, in truth and honesty!” In light of these verses, the deterioration of our Legal System over the past 20 years is something that God, “the Righteous Judge,” takes as a personal affront. God Himself is the supreme Judge of all the Universe. To be more specific, at the Last Judgment Jesus will judge the “living and the dead” (Apostle’s Creed). Jesus also tells us:
“Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son” (John 5:22).
While during the United States’ history, we’ve had cases of gross injustice and bad rulings that were unfair and unjust, the general tenor of our Justice System has been one of upholding the Rule of Law. Again, not perfectly so – but purposely so. And often the bad rulings from the past – like Dred Scott and Roe vs. Wade – are later reversed and things are made right. But the “Lawfare” being used by the Deep State Democrats is shameful on several levels. The so-called political party that once boasted of the “right of all Americans to a fair and unbiased trial,” and strained to “follow rules of evidence” and give “each defendant their day in court to defend themselves,” has gone off the rails. Over the past year we have witnessed the opposite regarding Blue State Prosecutors and Judges pursuing their political enemies with extremely “tenuous” charges and indictments. I’m talking about the “Lawfare” brought against former President – and now President Elect, Donald J. Trump. We’ve seen travesties of judgment in the past, but nothing compares to the outright misuse of the Justice System – for purely political purposes!
As I mentioned, there have always been rogue prosecutors and unscrupulous judges – but they were more the exception than the rule. Anyone who takes the time to research the “American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),” will be surprised that its founder, a Socialist named Roger Baldwin, was not worried about Liberty or Justice, but rather to undermine America’s Institutions to foster a Socialist takeover. For better than a century many groups have endeavored to undermine the “Rule of Law” for their own nefarious purposes. Over these same years, we’ve also experienced abuses by Police and Prosecutors – looking for a fast conviction for a crime – often latching onto the first viable suspect, then railroading that person, whether guilty or innocent. America has survived both sides of this equation until the past 20 years. There has now been a decided ramping up of “Lawfare” and injustice across this great land. Things really started to change when George Soros, the Globalist-Elitist-Financier-Marxist-Activist started using his wealth to meddle with the judicial system. One Political Plaza online reports Soros’ efforts as:
“In 2019, George Soros said he was “actively engaged” in “bending” the “arc of history” in “the right direction.” His primary target: the United States of America. If there’s an agenda pushing social justice reform, promoting pro-transgender ideology, attacking Christian values, dismantling the nuclear family, advocating for open borders, driving climate extremism, or championing unrestricted abortion – anything that threatens America's heritage, culture, economy, or very way of life – you can be confident that George Soros and his billions are behind it. With his son Alex now at his side, the Soros cartel is relentlessly working to unravel the very fabric of our society, spreading chaos and discord through our streets. This includes funding and directing soft-on-crime district attorneys who undermine our legal system. As Dwight D. Eisenhower warned, "The rule of law is the foundation upon which a nation stands. Undermine it, and the pillars of society will collapse."
It's hard to put into one short Blog the impact that one man – a man obsessed with bringing America into an “Open-Borders-One-World-Government” – has had. He’s involved in financing Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s) to destroy the sovereign borders of the United States. These groups organize, facilitate and finance the invasion of millions of illegals flooding into America – demanding to be supported, given healthcare and legal assistance. Soros simultaneously promotes “racial equity” in sentencing, not to make sentencing fair – but to make sure that Lady Justice peeks from under her mask – allowing verdicts based on “racial quotas” and not on the “Rule of Law.” While Soros has financed justice based on race – he’s paid millions to elect “malleable” District Attorneys, Prosecutors and State Attorney Generals – to stop prosecuting crime in many of our Big Blue Cities. At least a third of all major cities and states do his bidding, making sure that the guilty go unpunished, and our streets descend into chaos. You may wonder why he’s doing this? It’s quite simple, to sow anarchy and discord everywhere. When crime gets bad enough, terrified citizens will gladly give up their freedoms (especially the Bill of Rights) and go along with the Global-Marxist-Takeover.
The average American has helplessly watched over the past 20 years as America has descended into “lawlessness.” In this environment the Soros-controlled Party in power (the Democrats), orchestrated a bizarre year of “Lawfare” against a presidential candidate for the opposition party, Republican Donald J. Trump. In an unprecedented year of “Democrat-Soros-Coordinated-Lawfare,” a former president of the United States has been indicted in four cases: 1.) The New York State “Hush Money” Case. 2.) The Federal Classified Documents Case. 3.) The Federal Election Interference Case. 4.) Lastly, the Georgia Election Interference Case. While I’m not a legal scholar, I do have a good sense of the Law. Along with many, many other legal scholars – I believe these cases, all combined, are “a tempest in a teapot!” To say they are without merit is an understatement. The Democrat Machine had to change laws – well after the crimes – to even charge Trump in one of the cases. The Prosecutors and Judges in every case (except one) were compromised, politically connected, or should have recused themselves for clear conflict of interest – yet, all four cases went forward. And in one case, “The New York State Hush Money Case,” the Judge literally instructed the jury “illegally” that they didn’t need to agree on what crime Trump committed, just “that he committed a crime.” This was done to manufacture 34 Felony convictions for paying $130,000 in hush money to a porn star named Stormy Daniels.
All 34 convictions will need to be overturned on Appeal – if for no other reason than virtually every Democrat and most Republicans could all be indicted if the law is applied in the same way. Even though a Non-Disclosure Agreement was signed which should have ended the case, a rogue prosecutor and judge (whose daughter was fundraising for the Democrats off this case) wouldn’t allow President Trump to defend himself. The whole trial was an embarrassment. Let me add that there was a fifth Civil Lawfare case involving E. Jean Carroll – a troubled woman who accused Trump of raping her in a busy Bergdorf Goodman dressing room 30 years ago (well past the statute of limitations), she sued him for defamation and won $83 Million when he publicly defended himself. This is a case with no witnesses or evidence – nor did she scream for help or report what happened. It should be noted that Carroll has accused six other men in the past, including Les Moonves, the CEO of CBS. She said that Les raped her in an elevator – where, like Trump’s dressing room accusation, no one saw a thing! While Carroll couldn’t remember when Trump raped her, she finally settled on 1994. She did remember the Donna Karan blazer dress she wore – except that dress didn’t exist in 1994. To top it off, New York changed their laws in 2022 in what appears to be a manufactured case against Trump.
To prove that these cases were all part of a “Political Witch Hunt” that has been going on for eight years, since the Presidential Election most of the cases are now being dismissed. The Democrats keep saying “No One Is Above The Law,” but they conveniently forgot that “No One Is Below The Law,” and have denied Donald Trump “Equal Protection Under the Law.” They also cost the taxpayers in New York and Georgia millions of dollars to prosecute bogus charges. And they cost Donald Trump millions in legal fees defending himself. But one thing they didn’t count on: Their Lawfare Awakened Millions of Americans to believe that the Deep State was Real! Over the past several years there have been people who didn’t believe in the Deep State, or believed that Trump was just such a bad man that the government was justified in making up the Russia Collusion Conspiracy to thwart him while he was in office the first time. Lawfare was seen as so unfair and unjust, that many Americans – especially Black Americans – felt a kinship with Donald Trump. Many Black Americans believe the Justice System has always been slanted against them. And the average “blue-collar” worker saw Trump’s indictments directed at them! Lawfare completely backfired!
Trump’s vote totals – especially from Minority Groups – were the largest of any Republican since before the Great Depression! And now, by God’s Grace, we have a chance to once again return to the “Rule of Law,” and not the “Rule of Politics.” I pray that God will be pleased to grant us a respite from Judgment and a return to Righteousness!
Soli Deo Gloria!