What Makes America Exceptional and Different? – Part 2
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What Makes America Exceptional and Different? – Part 2

“All eligible voters have a say in their Government through Free & Fair Elections

By Richard Allen – October 21, 2024

In the first Blog of this series on “American Exceptionalism,” I provided a list of Eight Distinctives or Principles that make America an Exceptional place to live. In the First Distinctive, we looked at our Freedom to Speak and Believe our Values and Make Choices – without Coercion. This week in Part 2, we’ll look at the Second Distinctive: That All Eligible Voters Have A Say in Their Government through Free & Fair Elections. This may sound like a given, who would disagree with this Principle?  But there are those who do not believe in Free and Fair Elections, they Believe in Gaining and Holding Power!  Personally, I blame the Republican Party RINOS for the perversion of our Electoral Process here in the United States.  I was only eight years old when the Democrat Party stole the 1960 Presidency for John F. Kennedy with last minute “shenanigans” in the State of Illinois in general, and the City of Chicago in particular. 

On election day, it was clear that Nixon, riding on the support of Farmers in downstate Illinois, had won the State and the Presidency. But at the last minute, the Political Machine of Chicago’s Mayor Richard J. Daley found multiple boxes of ballots that supposedly had not been turned in through the normal process. Virtually everyone knew that Daley had delivered bogus votes from Chicago and delivered the States Electoral votes through unverified and unscrupulous means. But Richard Nixon – the candidate who had been defrauded – after being urged by the RINO contingent of the Republican party, relinquished his right to a re-count “for the good of the country.” My belief is that while Nixon acted in good faith, his ceding the Election to Kennedy rewarded the Democrat Party for blatantly cheating. Far from this being an exception, Cheating became the Standard Operating Procedure of the Democrat Machine nationally. The Democrats, by virtue of their desire for Power, feel that they have a Divine Right to rule in American Politics. In reality, the Democrats “Disenfranchised” thousands of “lawful voters,” whose votes were canceled by the boxes of bogus ballots that magically appeared!

This Standard Operating Procedure for all National and many Local Elections has become

worse since then. The Republican RINOS showed that far from standing up for the American Voter, they would just capitulate for expediency’s sake. While Republicans seldom take a stand on “unverified-last-minute-all-Democrat-votes” showing up to win the election at the 11th Hour, the Democrat Party has perfected “The Art of the Cheat” over these last 64 years. Ted Kennedy clearly understood that in the long run, the Pseudo-Marxist-Policies of the Democrat Party weren’t attractive to the middle-class, nor were they an effective strategy to accomplish the Democrat Party’s desire for power.  So, he pushed the first “Immigration Act of 1965,” changing the way we had sponsored immigration from Northern Europe.  Here’s how Ted Kennedy pitched the bill:

"The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants,” lead supporter Sen. Edward “Ted” Kennedy (D-Mass.) told the Senate during debate. “It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs. That sentiment was echoed by Johnson, who, upon signing the act on October 3, 1965, said the bill would not be revolutionary: “It does not affect the lives of millions … It will not reshape the structure of our daily lives or add importantly to either our wealth or our power." https://www.history.com/news/immigration-act-1965-changes

Needless to say, virtually every promise made by Ted Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson was a Lie!  The exact opposite of what they promised, happened.  Over the past 59 Years an ever-increasing flood of “Non-American-Voters” have been given access to this great land – not as Legal Immigrants, but as those who stole their place in America,” rather than waiting in line and coming in as Legal Immigrants.  Flash forward to today, with the “Open Border Policies” of Barack Obama and Joe Biden – we now have more than 50 Million Illegals who have now usurped a place in American Society – many of them part of the Voting Electorate!  When it became clear to Ted and other Democrat Leaders, that working-class Americans were growing tired of the constant “class-envy” and “class-conflict” stirred up by the Democrats – and would not be voting to give them power – the Democrats decided to import other Voters to take their place.  People with little or no skills, often bringing their problems with them, but that didn’t matter, they will vote to give the Marxist-Democrat Party the power they lust for. Sadly, most of these Illegal Immigrants are not “yearning to breathe free,” rather, they are “yearning to be supported and fed for free!”

What makes this story even sadder is, that a large majority of these Illegal Immigrants are not productive, but rather, sign up immediately for government assistance – and are still not thankful.  And make no mistake, they know where these “freebies” are coming from: The Democrat Party!  So, instead of needing to govern effectively and pass laws that will benefit “working and poor citizens,” the Democrats have found a new coalition of Underclass and Dependent  Voters: “The Illegal Immigrant.”  No place can this be seen more clearly than in the Democrat Party’s almost total disregard of African American Voters in the past 20 years.  Once, The Black Vote was the major voting bloc of the Democrat Party’s winning strategy. Mind you, the Democrats only gave a few free crumbs, never giving the Black Community any freedom or right to self-determination.  No way!  Giving them independence would take away their dependency and need for Democrats to run the “inner-city-plantations” where they live hopeless lives, waiting for the government to save them.  

But after encouraging the Termination of 19 Million Black Infants to provide “Women’s Health Services,” the Democrats realized that they were in need of another “dependent underclass voting bloc” to give them Electoral Power – “the Illegal Immigrant Hispanic underclass.”  This strategy was put in place – first in California, where fully 25% of the State’s Population is now Illegal Foreign Immigrants – but later across most of the United States.  Seed these states with government entitled Illegals – and you change the distribution (and voting habits) of the Electorate

Today the Elected Representatives from the Democrat Party – and many from the Republican Party – no longer seek the well-being of Legal Citizens who work hard, play by the rules and pay most of the taxes. No, government policies and benefits are mostly diverted to a “perpetually-dependent-underclass” that survives only by getting freebies at the Taxpayers’ expense – All Because They Will Vote for Democrat Machine power!  This is Disenfranchisement on a grand scale! We now have a government: “Of the special interests, run by a permanent political class and for the Elite!” The permanent political class has now usurped all authority from the American People, and allows “non-elected bureaucrats” to make law and exercise dominion over the whole land.  Remember the Second Distinctive:  “All Eligible voters have a say in their government through “Free & Fair Elections.”  The operational words in that Principle is – Eligible Voters!  Buying the votes of a dependent underclass of Illegals has stolen the voice of the people, and our right to “self-determination.”

Notice, I haven’t even mentioned all the illegal vote manipulation that is also part of their arsenal:  Ballot Harvesting, Un-monitored Drop Boxes with thousands of Democrat Mules dumping in boxes of votes at 2:00 am, Corrupt Software that can easily be manipulated from outside, Harvesting Votes from ‘Old folks’ homes,’ Discarding Military Votes by the boxload, and Corrupt Poll Workers who refeed Democrat Votes over and over again into Electronic Tabulation. These are just a few of the verified methods of cheating that are documented and still being litigated from the 2020 Election!  And when anyone even tries to complain over the “blatant massive cheating” that goes on in many Blue (Democrat) and Purple (Democrat and Republican) States, the collective voices of the Government Media Machine act indignant and call us Election Denier simpletons – who listen to “right-wing-fascist-media-outlets” – falling for conspiracy theories. To the contrary, it’s clear to any thinking person that “The Democrats can’t Win Unless They Cheat!”  I realize that many working poor and middle-class voters are saying – “why bother to vote?” – since the process is so tainted by cheating? They do have a good point.

In closing, let me remind all you readers – they wouldn’t be screaming so loud today, in 2024 – about the horrible danger Donald Trump poses to Democracy, if they weren’t frightened that their cheating may not once again prevail.  The uprising of “working-class voters” has them very scared!  Truth is, Trump is a Danger to the Democrat Party, Not Democracy!  And there are some clear indications that even with the massive cheating they have planned – they can’t prevent the avalanche of Disenfranchised Voters who “will vote to reject the Deep State Elites” and their “Marxist-Democrat Friends!” To all my brothers and sisters in Christ – be aware that God’s providence is not under their control! God will accomplish all His purposes, and no one will be able to thwart His mighty arm!  Who knows if God has purposed to grant America a reprieve or not, from the rightful judgment we deserve for our decadence and sin. So, my advice to everyone is: Vote – legally and early, and spend time on your knees beseeching the God of Heaven for His mercy.  If not, we will soon see how “unexceptional and broken” America will become. Deep State politicians are planning our demise even as I write. Either way, God’s got this!

Soli Deo Gloria!

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