What Makes America Exceptional and Different? – Part 1
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What Makes America Exceptional and Different? – Part 1

Freedom to Speak and Believe Our Values and Make Choices – without Coercion!

By Richard Allen – October 14, 2024

I am not a prophet, nor am I a gifted “prognosticator” of future events. But you’d have to be almost blind not to realize that “strange things are happening,” not only in the United States of America, but across much of the world we live in – especially in Western cultures. There are so many irrational things going on at one time that it would be impossible to list them all in one weekly Blog. And we need to differentiate between what is happening in both the “Natural, and the Spiritual Realm.” It’s almost like Adam and Eve’s posterity – that is, the whole human race – is coming to the end of our ability to govern ourselves. Maybe we’ve reached critical mass regarding the physical desires and needs of the eight Billion people who reside on Planet Earth, and the technical means by which we might provide for those needs. When you factor in that many in our world’s ruling classes have determined – instead of caring for their own citizens – they are committed to “culling the herd” of at least two Billion souls – whom they deem unnecessary to live!

For the longest time, like many of you, I was mostly convinced that the United States, the world’s first Representative Government “of the People, by the People and for the People,” would be an exception to the downward spiral in the West.  Sadly, this is not the case. In America – spoiled by prosperity – we have turned into something different than our Founding Fathers intended. The love of freedom and justice which once were the hallmark of our national psyche, seem to have been lost. A permanent political class, I call the “Deep or Administrative State,” appears to control most aspects of American Society. Many people are upset about the direction we are heading as a country – but feel powerless to do anything about it. And those ideals that set apart our Representative Democracy, or better – “the Republic, for which it stands” – seem to be crumbling on every front. In thinking on the abandonment of Western ideals, I decided to ask the question:  “What ideals set the United States apart from the rest of the world? What exactly made America ‘Great’ in the first place?” There are some – like Marxist Professor, Howard Zinn, who believed that American's success was just a “twist of fate.” We stole our land from the Indians – a land rich in natural resources – and never had a real threat from our weak neighbors. As once said of America: “Fish at both ends, and weak neighbors on the other two sides.”

Let me categorically state, this is just not true. Yes, America is blessed with natural resources, especially having arable land, that is land which can yield bountiful crops. But the land had to be conquered and tamed. Geologists and Scientists argue that South America is even more blessed with natural resources that North America – without a yearly season of cold and snow – yet, while South America is rich, it has never equaled the United States in success or prosperity. You may ask: “Why is that?”  If Howard Zinn was right about natural resources, then why hasn’t South America prospered in the same way? The answer is a simple one: The United States championed “freedom for all,” and unleashed the economic powerhouse of a thriving middle class!  South America is still mired in crony feudalism – left over from the monarchies in Europe and legacy of “hierarchical rule” by the Catholic Church. Great masses of people are not yet economically free! Corporate and Political Oligarchs still control the economies and resources of their great land. And the young within the United States, growing up in affluency and ignorance,  are not aware of American Exceptionalism. A lifetime of public education has taught them that Capitalism in General – and America in Particular – are the source of all hatred, poverty and greed, and have brought a climate apocalypse upon all mankind!

So, let me answer the question “Why is America exceptional? What did our Founding Fathers do that created an economic colossus and a thriving middle class, where just about anyone could achieve the American Dream?” I don’t think it was one thing alone, but a series of Distinctive Principles that our Founders codified into Law, creating an environment where “Freedom and Prosperity” could flourish.  This list is mine, representing my own thoughts, and not in any specific order of importance, just the order in which I thought, and wrote them down:

Eight Distinctives of a Representative Democracy:

  1. Freedom to Speak and Believe Our Values and Make Choices – without Coercion

  2. All eligible voters have a say in their government through “Free & Fair Elections”

  3. Laws are written and ratified by the Consent of the governed through their chosen Representatives

  4. A Judicial System based on Law – free of political control and monetary influence

  5. Freedom to associate with whom we choose, and support them

  6. Checks & Balances on All Government Branches – no one is given the advantage to control or coerce others

  7. The Military under Control of those Representatives chosen by the People

  8. The Peaceful Transition of Power

In some ways, these distinctives mirror the Articles of our Bill of Rights. I wish I could report that these distinctives are still true of American society and culture. But sadly, virtually every one of these tenets are under constant assault by those who wish to control us – making billions for themselves in the process. I think we’ve all seen the constant assault on these Distinctive Tenets over the past eight decades since the end of World War II. Some of us have awakened to the threat and have been sounding the alarm for a long time. Others are being “entertained to death” with electronics, social media, sports and online programming – and as a result, haven’t noticed the erosion of our Rights. While the erosion has been decades in the making, over the past 15 years there has been an increase in the scope and severity of this erosion – ever since the presidency of Barack Obama. He promised to “fundamentally transform the United States,” and he has!

Many have finally realized in 2024 what has been going on – with increasing intensity, because of the “Deep State Presidency” of Joe Biden. His priorities and blatant neglect to “faithfully execute the laws of our land” can’t be ignored! Even those with their heads buried in the sand have been startled by Joe’s divisive and upside down policies. As I have said in the past – this is the third term of Barack Obama.  Barack and Joe both promised that they would “Fundamentally Transform the United States of America.” After 12 combined years of rule, it’s clear that our once great American Institutions have been  “hardwired,” to serve ideological and political purposes. And what I mean by “hardwired” is: Most of the apparatus of American government serves “Them, The Elites,” and not “We, The People!”  Instead of being an American President, from the start Barack proclaimed himself to be “a citizen of the world!”  He told us from the beginning – “I will transcend the narrow boundaries of ‘serving the American People,’ I am here to ‘serve the World, that is, The New World Order!’ ”

There is no place where this is more clearly seen than in the “Censorship and Spying On” of Americans by our Government! And yes, these two go hand in hand. A government that doesn’t allow for Consent of the People, of necessity has to Censor and Spy on those whom they can’t control. Well do I remember Congressman Bob Barr from Georgia – warning us all “not to pass the Patriot Act, which created the Department of Homeland Security” in 2004: 

"This (legislation) moves us in the direction of the executive law enforcement power extending to the point where they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want to do it? All in the name of fighting terrorism." [Bob Barr as quoted from the ACLU Document online -https://www.aclu.org/documents/conservative-voices-against-patriot-act-ii ]

Proponents of the bill argued that “we need this high degree of control in order to keep us safe from terrorism.” Maybe that power in the hands of virtuous men and women might be benign. But that level of power in the hands of an unscrupulous leader, wedded to a Global Marxist agenda, has spelled disaster. Then they used the “we have to keep you safe from terrorism” rationale to perform massive censorship over TV, Radio and Social Media, labeling any facts that contradicted their policies as “Misinformation.” Just know, the Freedom to Speak, Believe and Act according to our own Values and Beliefs, will not stop with politics – unelected “Deep State” minions have made it clear that Evangelical Christianity is their main target. I personally marvel that many Evangelical Christians have still not awakened to the serious threats posed by giving Barack Obama (a.k.a. Kamala Harris) a fourth term. Their arguments are always: “I don’t like Donald Trump – he tweets and says bad things about people.” Or, “He’s a philanderer, paying off Stormy Daniels, a woman with whom he cavorted while he was married." Again, let me say to my Christian Brothers and Sisters: We are not selecting our next Pastor, no we are electing a leader for a 'secular government'  (none of the candidates are personally moral), “so judge these candidates on the actions they demonstrate and what they promise to do.” 

Kamala – just like Barack and Joe, has promised to make war on Free Speech –  and the Freedom to Believe according to our Faith, and they have ruled in a way that proves that they are serious about enforcement.  Make no mistake, they will eventually escalate their war on those who proclaim the Gospel. Their current malevolent behaviors toward the Church, are just the opening skirmishes. Let me implore my readers, VOTE to keep America Exceptional – especially in guaranteeing our Right to Speak, Believe and Practice our own Religious Liberties without Coercion! Sitting out because you think both candidates aren’t Christian, is a failure to be “Salt and Light” in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation.  If you withdraw from the public arena, you will live to regret it.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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