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Non-Government Organizations – “The Deep State Has The Midas Touch!”


Bribed, Blackmailed & Brainwashed – Part 11

By Richard Allen – March 10, 2025

Paul warned the church in 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 about “deceitful Apostles,” that is, emissaries of Satan pretending to be the good guys. The evil one has always known that he can be much more effective by masquerading his true intent and purpose – pretending that he’s doing good: 

“For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So, it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds” (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).

After a busy election season, I’m coming back to this series: “Bribed, Blackmailed and Brainwashed.” So, I’d like  to take a look at Non-Government Organizations – NGO’s and their role in promoting the demise of our Constitutional Government of “We the People,” and helping to inaugurate The New World Order. This is a story of the corruption of NGO’s, that is Non-Government Organizations who are the perfect “cut-out” to allow American Tax Dollars to be illegally used for nefarious and political purposes – and not for the good of the American people.  USAID - The United States Agency for International Development, is just one of our Government Agencies used by the Deep State and Marxist-Progressive forces in the United States, to fund these NGO’s. USAID was started by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. Here’s a brief history from Wikipedia on the creation of USAID, and its original purpose:

“Established in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy to unite several foreign assistance organizations and programs under one agency. Statute law places USAID under the direct authority and policy guidance of the Secretary of State. It implements programs in global health, disaster relief, socioeconomic development, environmental protection, democratic governance and education.”

Many writers and pundits have long contended that “everything the Democrat Deep State  touches is compromised and destroyed from it’s original intent.” This is true of the Boy Scouts – who now admit girls and openly homosexual members and leaders. Or take the FBI – who has spent the last two decades as the law-enforcement arm of the Democrat Party – often violating the Constitution they are sworn to uphold.  I could spend multiple blogs just detailing the complete compromise and corruption of most Government Agencies no longer fulfilling their original purpose! We’ve recently been shocked to find out that our own Federal Government has been “funneling money” to shady organizations to “recruit, assemble and facilitate the invasion of Illegal Immigrants from Third World Countries.” For several years we have heard how the Biden Administration has been sending hundreds of millions and even billions of taxpayer dollars to Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s). The two biggest pseudo-Christian organizations are Catholic Charities and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services. Biden’s team did this to recruit, facilitate, and sponsor tens of millions of Illegal Immigrants so they could invade America’s sovereign territory, and ultimately vote!

It's ironic that over the past 50 years we’ve experienced two phenomena: 1.) Our United States Legislature and our President enacting and signing laws to prevent the misuse of tax-moneys, tightening virtually all banking controls to the extreme. While at the same time, 2.) Creating Non-Government Organizations to work around the very laws they passed.  If you think about this irony for a minute, it’s easy to understand why. Passing laws “to appear squeaky clean” and “playing by the rules” lulls people into believing that they are one of the good guys, looking out for the American Citizens and their hard-earned tax dollars. At the same time, they use these NGO’s to work around the very laws they enacted, all to fund any illegal and unethical project they may desire, or just funnel money into their own pockets!  With these recent revelations, my first response is: It’s just not possible that our Elected Representatives Didn’t Know This Was Going On! A great example is the Gain of Function (GOF) research that was done to create the SARS virus.  In 2014, the New York Times reported that the Obama White House was suspending research for SARS and MERS:

“Prompted by controversy over dangerous research and recent laboratory accidents, the White House announced Friday that it would temporarily halt all new funding for experiments that seek to study certain infectious agents by making them more dangerous. It also encouraged scientists involved in such research on the influenza, SARS and MERS viruses to voluntarily pause their work while its risks were reassessed.” 

This action was applauded by many in the Medical Research Industry as a wise move because of the serious risks involved with trying to make humans more susceptible to a deadly pathogen. It just didn’t make any sense, even if it was done under the guise of “then we can make a vaccine to treat it.”  It turns out that the critics of Gain of Function research were completely right.  We know that our own SARS research was farmed out – using USAID to an NGO that used the “Wuhan Center for Virology” to complete this research.  Then in 2019, the virus escaped the lab, causing a world-wide healthcare crisis – killing millions with both the virus and an untested experimental vaccine. Just like our verse from 2 Corinthians above, the very people pretending to be the “good guys,” concerned for the health and well-being of American citizens, were the very people who continued their misguided and careless behavior – with no concern for anyone’s well-being.  And many of them were made rich in the process!

We see the same double-speak with Immigration. According to an article on June 7, 2023 from NewsNation online:

“The majority of migrants arriving in cities like New York or smaller towns across America, do so with the help of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) — organizations like charities or religiously affiliated nonprofits. In the past two years, Border Patrol holding stations have constantly been at overcapacity in dealing with the massive influx of migrants crossing illegally into the U.S. When this happens, Border Patrol releases processed migrants to NGO’s to shelter, feed and coordinate travel for migrants to their final destination.” ]

And we’re not talking about a few thousand dollars in donations, we’re talking Millions and Billions of dollars given to Christian organizations. So much for “separation of Church and State!” Here’s information posted online from Forbes:

“The NGO Catholic Charities USA received $1.4 billion from government support compared with $1 billion in private donations. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service reported more than $93.1 million in U.S. government grants in its 2021 financial statement, making taxpayer-funded grants more than 80% of its total support. And that number would only climb as the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service would receive $182.6 million in grants in the fiscal year of 2022 from the Department of Health and Human Services. Another NGO, Church World Services, reported more than $20.5 million in grant funds in its 2022 financial report, making more than 40% of its assets coming from taxpayers.”

Back to the analogy from 2 Corinthians 11.  Since “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light – his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.” Many of these “so-called” Christian relief organizations pretend to distribute funds to aid the poor. I sincerely wish that were the case. Sadly, over the past 25 years, George Soros has been one of the biggest donors to these Christian organizations, corrupting their leadership and installing activists to push his “Open Borders Ideology” – all to facilitate “The New World Order.”  Let me say, we Christians take the Word of God seriously and feel responsible to “be our brother’s keeper” – especially where foreigners are concerned.  Here are a few passages from Scripture that teach us to show compassion to those foreigners and strangers among us:

“The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 19:34).

“And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.” (Deuteronomy 10:19).

There are many other verses that could be quoted to show that God is kind, and requires His children to show compassion to the poor – even foreigners among us! But this is Not What Is Behind The Mass Illegal Immigration in the United States and Europe. These mass migrations are not organic, that is, citizens from Third World countries spontaneously deciding to flee political persecution, famine or hardship. No, these people were recruited from foreign lands by these NGO’s who can act outside of American Laws with impunity – things that our politicians can’t do – just like Gain of Function Research! The Deep State Elites among us destroy everything they touch – just like fabled King Midas, so greedy that he wished “everything he touched would turn to gold,” until he touched his most prized possession – his daughter, turning her into lifeless metal. These greedy Elites divert funds from Government Agencies to NGO’s to do their dirty work. They have been actively recruiting, using Foreign Newspapers and Television to recruit people to make the dangerous trip to America, promising them prosperity and a better life!  But these NGO’s didn’t stop there, they encouraged foreign governments to “empty their prisons and mental health facilities and send them on their way to America!”  In the end, they promise a better life, but actually bring slavery, misery and death!

Apart from the dangerous voyage, countless attractive ladies and girls are raped or abducted into slavery.  There have been reports of medical health teams “blood and tissue-typing people,” all for the purpose of organ harvesting. We may never know the full extent of the evil – but God Knows!  These so-called Christian organizations pretend to be unaware of the carnage – that is more the rule and not the exception. They have enticed many of these poor souls into a long and dangerous journey – often costing them thousands of dollars. I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg. In 2023 a major motion picture – The Sound Of Freedom, set global box-office records exposing these crimes. These NGO’s like to masquerade as “Angels of Light,” but they’ve been a major facilitator to the global “child-trafficking” that has gripped our supposedly enlightened Western Cultures. Trust me, God will bring a Day Of Reckoning to them all!  My prayer is, since we finally have a champion in President Trump, desperately trying to pull the mask off the evil that has invaded our former “Christian Cultures” in the West, we will see this evil exposed and ended!

Soli Deo Gloria!


1 Comment

8 hours ago

"My prayer is, since we finally have a champion in President Trump, desperately trying to pull the mask off the evil that has invaded our former “Christian Cultures” in the West, we will see this evil exposed and ended!"

Believing that DJT is a champion of truth is testimony to THE DELUSION, which THE SYNDICATE OF LIES has pulled over the eyes, the mind, and the heart of the VAST majority of men over millenia.

THE HOLY SPIRIT alone can pull off the scales of our heart/ shatter the hall of mirrors in order to be able to see clearly THE CROSS as our salvation.

Choosing DJT as your "saviour" is nothing less of IDOL WORSHIP than opting for the…

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