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Dishonest Presidential Campaigns All Have One Thing in Common – Part 2

Is it Important to Know About a Candidate’s Behavior? – Yes, It Reveals What’s In Their Heart!

By Richard Allen – October 7, 2024

In Part 1 of this Blog, we discussed the value of “Targeted Selection,” or “Behavioral Interviewing” in choosing a potential candidate to hire – Especially a President! Hopefully I made the point that we live in a shallow and superficial age where the “Projected Image” of a candidate has more impact on the electorate than “what the candidate has actually done!” This phenomenon is much like the “worship of idols” in past centuries. Actually, let me state that we are still “worshiping idols.” Many citizens are moved to vote and support Leaders who are only a “marketed image” of themselves, massaged to appear charismatic, competent and compassionate. Most often they bear no resemblance to the “created image.” In 2020, our 46th President, Joe Biden, was not a charismatic candidate at all – in fact, he barely campaigned.  But even with the massive amount of cheating that we now know occurred, there were still a good many “low-information voters” who were willing to vote for him because of Democrat ideology and allegiance from a bygone age. Joe’s campaign was the first “virtual campaign,” and I’m not speaking of one mostly accomplished through “social media,” but rather one where Joe mostly hid in his Delaware basement, and made only a minimum of personal appearances. The phony “Dempanic” of 2020-2021 was a perfect cover to create an “image of a candidate,” one who couldn’t campaign effectively, and only needed the “state-controlled-media” to project an image. If you thought “surely, no one will be able to perform that virtual campaign trick again, you were wrong!” 

We are currently watching our VP Kamala Harris conduct another virtual campaign, refusing to hold press conferences, not taking questions from reporters, and has only done a few interviews with sympathetic media sycophants who never ask her any probing questions about her policies or flip flops on past positions. She’s allowed to talk endlessly about all the “Wonderful Things She Will Do,” and use braggadocio to extol her wonderful skills as a leader. Again, she has never ever done any of the things promised. She’s a slick commercial of a person who wants the trappings of power – and is willing to be a puppet for the “New World Order” to get it. This should cause us to ask about Kamala, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama: “Why are they willing say or do whatever is needed to become puppets for the New World Order?” The sad answer is:  They are politicians devoid of honest character and integrity – that is, there is something sadly wrong with their hearts. You see, we use Targeted Selection to determine the Behaviors which a person exhibits. This reveals the “character” of their hearts! As I promised in Part 1 of this Blog, there was a Selection Process that God administered through the Prophet Samuel in the Old Testament, to choose a King for Israel.

Let me point out, that prior to the Israelites asking for a king, they already had one: The God of Heaven, and He governed the people through Judges.  The people came to Samuel – the last of the Judges and asked for a king. They said they were worried that Samuel was old, and his sons were not good men, but they also wanted a king “so they could be like the nations, someone who could go before them into battle, looking brave and strong before the Israelite armies.” They wanted to be like the godless Gentile nations around them. So, Samuel, frustrated with the Israelites, went before the Lord and brought their request.  Then the Lord warned Israel through Samuel about having a king: 

Samuel was displeased with their request for a king; so, he prayed to the Lord, and the Lord said, ‘Listen to everything the people say to you. You are not the one they have rejected; I am the one they have rejected as their king. Ever since I brought them out of Egypt, they have turned away from me and worshiped other gods; and now they are doing to you what they have always done to me’ ” (1 Samuel 8:6-8).

God did give them what they wanted, but told Samuel to forewarn them on how their king would treat them:

“Samuel explained. ‘He will make soldiers of your sons; some of them will serve in his war chariots, others in his cavalry, and others will run before his chariots. He will make some of them officers in charge of a thousand men, and others in charge of fifty men. Your sons will have to plow his fields, harvest his crops, and make his weapons and the equipment for his chariots. Your daughters will have to make perfumes for him and work as his cooks and his bakers. He will take your best fields, vineyards, and olive groves, and give them to his officials. He will take a tenth of your grain and of your grapes for his court officers and other officials. He will take your servants and your best cattle and donkeys, and make them work for him. He will take a tenth of your flocks. And you yourselves will become his slaves. When that time comes, you will complain bitterly because of your king, whom you yourselves chose, but the Lord will not listen to your complaints’ ” (1 Samuel 8:9-18).

But even with these warnings:

“The people paid no attention to Samuel, but said, ‘No! We want a king, so that we will be like other nations, with our own king to rule us and to lead us out to war and to fight our battles.’ Samuel listened to everything they said and then went and told it to the Lord. The Lord answered, ‘Do what they want and give them a king.’ Then Samuel told all the men of Israel to go back home” (1 Samuel 8:19-22).

In the very next chapter of 1 Samuel, we meet Israel’s first king: Saul, the Benjamite. And Scripture immediately lets you know Saul’s greatest skills and behaviors:  He was the son of a wealthy man, he was very handsome, and he was taller than any man around:

“There was a wealthy and influential man named Kish, from the tribe of Benjamin; he was the son of Abiel and grandson of Zeror, and belonged to the family of Becorath, a part of the clan of Aphiah.  He had a son named Saul, a handsome man in the prime of life. Saul was a foot taller than anyone else in Israel and more handsome as well” (1 Samuel 9:1-2).

Talk about a “Beauty Contest,” Saul was exactly whom the sinful Israelites wanted, “A Tall, Handsome Rich Kid!” Need I say, God used Saul to bring judgment against the Philistines, but most of Saul’s history was a complete disaster – all because Saul was not a man of character. He soon disobeyed God, and had the kingdom ripped from him and given to another!  Saul, realizing that David was the king after God’s own heart even admitted in a fit of remorse: David, you are more righteous than I, for you have repaid me good, whereas I have repaid you evil” (1 Samuel 24:17).  

I’m guessing that you are wondering why I’m bothering to rehearse Saul’s defects as a Leader? The answer is simple, Good Leaders – even with their shortcomings – are men and women of character, that is, they have integrity in their hearts!  David had integrity as the story of David meeting Saul in a Cave in the Wilderness of Engedi demonstrates in 1 Samuel 24.  But there is more to this story. God’s selection of David was not done based solely on outward characteristics, to the contrary, when Samuel was sent to the “house of Jesse, David’s father, to anoint one of Jesse’s sons to be king,” Saul himself was confused at David’s selection.  While Samuel was displeased with Israel for asking for a king, Samuel too was taken by Saul’s apparent “stature and beauty.” Then, even after Saul had sinned and disobeyed the Lord, God rebuked Samuel asking:

“The Lord said to Samuel, ‘How long will you grieve over Saul, since I have rejected him from being king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil, and go. I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, for I have provided for myself a king among his sons’ ” (1 Samuel 16:1).

Through several verses of this chapter, we watch as Samuel parades seven of Jesse’s eight sons before the prophet and judge – only to be rejected by God. Several of David’s older brothers were also “tall, dark and handsome,” but God said to Samuel early on:

Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).

It should be easy to make the connection to our current subject: Selecting a New Leader for the United States. It’s what is in the heart that counts in a leader.  You can surely point out that David also disobeyed God in his “adultery with Bathsheba and subsequent murder of her husband, Uriah.” And David certainly suffered for the rest of his life for those sins, but David was still “a man after God’s own heart!” He was not a perfect man, but was still “the sweet Psalmist of Israel.” He was a man of integrity and character. So, I hope I’m making the connection between a person’s behavior, and what it reveals about their character. Jesus made the same connection when referring to sin and a person’s heart:

“And he called the people to him and said to them, ‘Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.’ Then the disciples came and said to him, ‘Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?’  He answered, ‘Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.’ But Peter said to him, ‘Explain the parable to us.’ And he said, ‘Are you also still without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled?  But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone’ ” (Matthew 15:10-20).

The parallels here are uncanny. Donald Trump is a fallen man – just like the rest of us. From what we know of him, he has been unfaithful as a man and husband at different times in his life.  Mind you, I’m not saying that he’s a David, not at all. But I am saying that some leaders who turn out to be men of character, actually govern out of a love for their people and in a way that is for their betterment. They do have this one thing that is evident:  They are not like Saul, using and abusing their power and authority for personal aggrandizement, riches or even revenge.  Donald Trump is the “only candidate in recent history who has not made himself rich in public office,” he didn’t need to, he was rich beforehand. In fact, the Donald’s net worth until recently, had gone down by a Billion Dollars or more as a result of serving his country. This can’t be said of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama or Joe Biden!  Their net worth went up by a factor of 10 by serving in office. Democrat President Harry Truman said it best: “Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I’ll show you a crook!”

Washington D.C. is rife with crooks.  My prayer for my brothers and sisters in Christ is that they will “Look at what each candidate has done,” and not the cleverly devised marketing images presented. The behaviors that Donald J. Trump and Kamala Harris have demonstrated, tell you everything you need to know about their character, and the actual person they are in their heart. No one is holding Kamala to an unfair standard, but just considering her “public life in office,” should be enough to help convince even the “low-information” Christian voter, that she is not a good person, and never has been. The Donald is known for his philanthropy and selfless giving to others – even when the cameras aren’t rolling. Just remind yourself of what God told Samuel:  “Man looks at the outside appearance, God looks at the heart!”

Soli Deo Gloria!

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Oct 07

"The Donald is known for his philanthropy and selfless giving to others – even when the cameras aren’t rolling. Just remind yourself of what God told Samuel: “Man looks at the outside appearance, God looks at the heart!”"

Rooting for ANYONE that is claiming to be able to "lead", and throwing your hat into the ring for the OFFICE of President - notice the deception in and of itself in this scheme of playing a persona rather than being responsible as a man for your actions - is as much a claim in this regard as there can be, in this world, is the epitome of heresy in regards to THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. As the only way is -…


Oct 07


"... but most of Saul’s history was a complete disaster – all because Saul was not a man of character. He soon disobeyed God, and had the kingdom ripped from him and given to another!"

This is only "half" the truth, as always if looked at it through "man's eyes" - by being deceived by SATAN the "great" deceiver, even/ especially in the comfort of modern "civilization" - as this judgement - as any judgement for that matter - disregards the OMNISCIENCE, OMNIPRESENCE, AND OMNIPOTENCE of GOD ALMIGHTY - YHVH, YHVH, YHVH!


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