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Dishonest Presidential Campaigns All Have One Thing in Common – Part 1

Updated: 6 days ago

Will Kamala’s Job Interview be Based on a Well-Crafted Image or Her Actual Performance?

By Richard Allen – September 30, 2024

As a Human Resources professional for 20 years in Corporate America, I worked for a time as a Staffing Recruiter, that is, I recruited and hired new employees. To hire good candidates, we used an interview process called “Targeted Selection,” or “Behavioral Interviewing.” This isn’t just a fancy title, but a practical and functional method for interviewing, evaluating and selecting candidates to hire. I should tell you that the whole Interview Process for making hiring decisions, changed significantly since the 1960’s.  Job Interviews were historically based on what I call: "The Beauty Contest." Potential candidates were paraded in before Hiring Managers and other Professionals and asked a few questions. But in the end, hiring decisions were based on which candidate was the most attractive. In practice, this meant going with a gut feeling on which candidate they liked!  But after generations of Hiring Managers making bad hiring decisions, based solely on appearances – better processes were developed: Targeted Selection, oftentimes called “Behavioral Interviewing” was a giant step forward in the interview process. This process boiled down to one simple premise: “Past behavior is the best predictor of future performance!” Using Targeted Selection, Interviewers were trained to ask probing questions that would provide “behavioral answers,” not “embellished or speculative statements.”  As an example, interviewing a candidate for a Manager in Purchasing, questions wouldn’t be just about job knowledge or technical skills, but would seek to ask behavioral questions like this:

Q: “Tell me about a time that you had an important  major purchasing decision to make. What was it? And  what made it important and difficult?   What actions did you take?   And, how did it turn out?”

The purpose of this question is to get the job candidate to tell you about actual experiences they’ve had – concrete things they had done!  By explaining the thought process they went through to make the decision to complete the work, the interviewer is able to actually assess a person's skills and job fit. All good interviewers are well aware that some of the worst hires you can possibly make are candidates who are by nature deceptive, and talk a good game. And our litigious culture makes it hard to get relevant information from former employers about any candidate – for fear of being sued So, most, interviewers assess and validate skills and work experiences listeed on a candidate's resume  through the interview process. Resumes are often embellished and candidates may be evasive or misrepresent their skills during an interview. And, it takes effort to verify work and educational experiences. So, asking for behavioral examples – along with probing follow-up questions – gives a skilled interviewer a great opportunity to determine a candidate’s real skills and qualifications. Interviews should be more than a Beauty Contest. We need to find out: 1.) What relevant work experiences, education and certifications a candidate has, and, 2.) We also need to find out How they  Performed In those Work Experiences! This may seem boring, but there’s an application for what I’m teaching: “Most Presidential Candidates are selected solely on How Attractive their Handlers Make them appear, and not on What They Have Actually Accomplished!”  A failure to consider actual behavior in similar roles has produced catastrophic results, and given us some of the worst Presidents in U.S. History! 

Just look at three previous Candidates for the highest office in our land:  Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. A few behavioral questions would have revealed that “none of the three” had demonstrated the behaviors, skills or temperament to lead, manage a budget, handle people problems, perform in an executive role, be a unifying peace-maker, write effective legislation that had positive results, put competent people on their team and lead them or kept any of their campaign promises! They’re not alone, there are many other candidates in both parties who all have one thing in common: They have Elite mega-donors providing slick marketing to create an image of the candidate to be worshiped. You heard me right: We tend to worship the images put together by Madison Avenue and Hollywood,  images which bear no resemblance to the actual candidate. Rightly did the Psalmist speak of the impotent, dead images that Israel worshiped, instead of the Living God of Heaven who created and sustains all things by actual Behaviors:

“But their idols are silver and gold, made by human hands. They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but cannot see. They have ears, but cannot hear, noses, but cannot smell.  They have hands, but cannot feel, feet, but cannot walk, nor can they utter a sound with their throats. Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them” (Psalm 115:4-8).

How amazing – most of our so-called candidates for “high office” are not much better than these worthless idols.  The only thing they are actually good at accomplishing is: Deception, graft, photo-ops and hedonistic behavior. If we had just asked Barack Obama:  “Tell me about a time you were the head of an organization that had tremendous responsibility?” Or, “What was the single, most important legislation you authored, got passed and what impact for good did it make?”  Even asking about his previous employment as a Senator from Illinois or a State Senator: What was the greatest accomplishment that you performed to improve the lives of those in the inner city?  You’d hear crickets, or a campaign speech about how he is going to unify, lift up and help the poor. Problem is, He never has, nor will do anything like that, he just talks. You can’t look at one place where Barack governed that was made better. Yes, he was a “community agitator,” he did get attention and helped the Democrat Party gain and hold on to power, but improve lives for his constituents, not so much!  It would be like hiring a brain surgeon who had never performed a single brain surgery in his life, to perform a complex surgery on you or a loved one! Hopefully you get my point about Targeted Selection as a process to “produce a good hire.”  Defective candidates can easily “blather on about how they’ll do this or that, or here’s how they’ll handle a difficult situation.” The problem is, They Have Never Actually Done Any Of These Things! Talk is cheap, in fact, just like the Idols mentioned above, They Are Just An Image To Worship, Not a Real Functional Leader!

Identical questions (and many more) could be asked and answered the same way for Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Joe has the illustrious distinction of never having held and honest job from the time he “cheated his way out of college” and was first pushed by corrupt handlers into public office.  He has managed to bleed his constituents, enrich his family and get his name on a few pieces of legislation. But truth be told, Joe is not very smart – but he is corrupt, devious and dishonest. The image of Joe that they put forth in 2020 was just that, an image!  I guess poor sinners are not much different today than we were in years past. A study of World History sadly reveals that most world leaders have been corrupt, devious and dishonest. This is nothing new. Our current VP, Kamala Harris, couldn’t answer any of the same Targeted Behavioral Questions either. She probably wouldn’t understand the question without being given the questions prior to the interview, so her handlers could script an answer. She has no accomplishments of any kind – Except, Corruption and her Devious and Dishonest Behavior. But you say, “she’s running neck-in-neck in the polls with Trump across most of the nation. How is that possible?” Again, we have become an Idolatrous People, worshiping Actors who pretend to do great things on the silver screen. We like “pretty people,” marketed to us as images!”

While the sad description above fits most of our politicians, we do actually have an “outlier,” that is, someone who doesn’t fit this description at all – a man who is a doer and not a talker only:  Donald J. Trump.  So, let’s apply the Targeted Selection / Behavioral Interviewing Test to the Donald: “Can he tell us about Executive experience managing and running a huge corporation, managing a budget and successfully completing projects under budget and on time? The answer is a resounding yes. His history as a Real Estate Developer speaks for itself, and only the most partisan hack won’t acknowledge that he is very, very competent.  But now we also have his performance for four years as the President of the United States to be able to measure his competencies and behaviors.  Again, his record during his first term from 2017- 2021 outshines every recent President – including Ronald Reagan – during his first term. Sure, he might grind on some people’s nerves – he’s a New Yorker used to talking in exaggerated language, yet his accomplishments are real and substantial. And what makes them all the more significant is, that he accomplished so much while being fought, lied about and betrayed at every turn. 

If we compare the current Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris – she underwent an “extreme makeover” in just a few weeks: She went from the “Worst Vice President in History” (many of her own party ready to dump her) to the most “adept and intelligent candidate!”  She’s the current It Girl” for the Deep State – not just the Democrats, but Globalist Republicans like Dick Cheney, whom the Democrats until recently, hated and called “Darth Vader.” Kamala is Just an Image, nothing more, there is no real person, just a propped-up image, held in place by the Globalist Marionettes who chose her for their latest puppet.  She is a pathological liar, stealing campaign promises from Trump and saying whatever she has to say to get elected.  Again, Targeted Selection explains that her “past behavior predicts her future performance!” She doesn’t mean a word she says!  She’s promising to do things that she’s never done, all the while telling us that Donald Trump will destroy our Democracy.  Problem for her is:  We watched him serve for four years, and he did nothing of the kind!  Again, his past behavior predicts exactly what his future performance will be.

Remember, Kamala is just an image, nothing more.  She will do the bidding her Globalist Masters dictate – you can count on it.  As brothers and sisters in Christ, don’t let these Puppet Masters count on you being gullible enough to fall for the  “dead and lifeless idol”  being marketed to you. I’m confident that those who love the God of the Bible will not be deceived by another “Phony and Idolatrous Image!” Kamala is right now in the interview process – telling you all the “wonderful things – She Will Do – but has never done!  Donald Trump is telling you what he’s consistently done in many roles over decades of work.  He’s the real thing, not an Image! In Part 2 of this Blog, we’ll look at the interview that Samuel performed in choosing David as King, and compare it to King Saul.  Let’s use the Targeted Selection Process and not the Beauty Contestant Process, it will yield better results for you, your neighbor and your Country!

Soli Deo Gloria!

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Jay Jacob
Jay Jacob
2 days ago

Christianity has no place in government. You aren't basing your opinions of these candidates on fact, but bias, simply because they don't fit your religious beliefs. That is dangerous and history has taught us as much. Perhaps that is why there is such a push to remove books and science from schools, because they are a threat to your religion. Stop trying to brainwash others to fit your mold with lies and deception. Try using facts and statistics, stop crying when facts and statistics don't align with what you wanted to see. Try realizing not all Americans are Christian, and realise that forcing all Americans to live by Christian codes and ethics is unethical and immoral.


6 days ago

After a couple of paragraphs I had to stop reading, as going through all the details is quite arduous and useless at best and misleading at worst. As finding the BEST candidate is VERY VERY VERY "SIMPLE" - you need one fact only! - ARE YOU HONEST?

But of course THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN is as f..... u. as THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN always was. The one difference I can spot on the spot is, TODAY - for a long time - 99.99999% are PART OF IT. And this is based on first hand experience in various walks of life - socially, economically, societally, culturally ... As for times "past"there still were pockets of diligent, honest, hard working, ... peopl…

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