The Abolition of Woman - “Men Without Chests have Disenfranchised Women!”
By Richard Allen – June 17, 2024
I’ve long been a fan of Clive Staples Lewis (a.k.a. C.S. Lewis), the English educator and literary genius. While he is most remembered for his allegorical masterpiece, “The Chronicles of Narnia,” he is no less revered for his defense of Christianity, doing battle with the failed teachings of postmodernity at its beginning. In one of his greatest works, “The Abolition of Man,” C.S. Lewis lamented the advent of a valueless system of education, where a belief in “right and wrong” is divorced from teaching truth. In Lewis’ model he borrows from Aristotle’s belief that man was made up of three components: 1.) The Head (i.e. “thought life”), 2.) The Chest (i.e. “the heart where affections reside”), and 3.) The Belly (i.e. “the appetites”). And Lewis proposed that modern education – already in vogue in the 1940’s – only focused on “educating the Head,” thinking that by filling the mind with valueless information the “Belly” (our animal appetites) could be restrained. Real education should not only “instruct the mind” with “factual information,” it needs to train the “Chest,” that is, the affections of men’s hearts to “love what is true, noble and good.” Bypassing the Chest (heart), is just Brainwashing the Head!
Welcome to the world of 2024. We are now in the second generation of men and women who are completely devoid of any “love of what is true, noble and good,” a people who have given their “Bellies (carnal appetites) full reign.” After the turbulent Sexual Revolution of the 1960’s, the American culture embraced: “If it feels good – Do It,” as our National Motto. Nowhere can this be seen more than in the debate over “modern sexuality and marriage.” It’s not lost on most observers – that just when the United States had reached its zenith on the world’s stage after World War II, we not only became a “Military Superpower,” but also became victims of our own “prosperity.” Being the “bread basket of the world,” and the “commercial center” for manufacturing finished goods, Americans have wanted for nothing during my lifetime (1950’s to present). Fat and Lazy doesn’t even begin to describe our current mindsets. Sure, there have been economic downturns and periodic energy shortages – all driven by “failed economic policies.” But in spite of all our challenges, we have prospered and succeeded in raising the standard of living for all Americans – even our poor!
Once the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and Communism collapsed under the weight of 70 years of failure, America stood unrivaled as the lone Superpower. But like all once great civilizations, it was inevitable that our attention and energies would be pulled away from “survival” and “safety” and turn to “pleasure.” The Sexual Revolution of the 1960’s was the diversion that consumed our “excess free time” and started much of the “cultural rot” that now plagues us. I’m certain that men and women looking for pleasure were excited about the new libertine morality of: “Make love, not war.” It’s now clear that neither men nor women grasped the long-term implications of abandoning God’s design and divorcing sexual activity from marriage and commitment. At first, I’m sure that men were thrilled with the “voyeuristic” attitude that women had adopted, especially since it appeared that men had become the winners in the “War Between the Sexes.” Women from the outset were still shackled to the outcome of using sex only as recreation – unwanted pregnancy and childbirth. Now, 60 years after the Sexual Revolution, it’s clear that both men and women are losers!
Just prior to the launch of the Sexual Revolution in 1953, Hugh Heffner launched Playboy Magazine, making sensualism respectable, normalizing the divorce of sex from any concern for marriage or commitment. Don’t misunderstand, pornography has been around for a long time. From soldiers returning home from two World Wars with French Post Cards and new ideas about what “sexy” really meant, to the “back-alley” trash tabloids. There was some “push-back” from a moral public. Since the Roaring Twenties, Hollywood and the Entertainment industry (anxious to make a fast buck), pushed the moral boundaries to create a more sexualized culture. While some argued that pornographic images enabled single men to satiate their sexual desires, only a few voices sounded the alarm at the heightened “sexualization of women and the demeaning of marriage.” Within a generation, the perfect woman went from a godly woman of virtue, to a scantily clad buxom young female – who appeared all too willing to provide for a man’s fancy.
The consequence of sexual behavior outside of marriage appeared to be resolved, as modern medicine provided both “oral contraceptives” (the Pill), and “unfettered access to Abortion.” The Sexual Revolution was given “carte blanche” as the Pill took away the “fear of pregnancy” – even for married couples who chose not to have children or limit the families they had. But the “Roe vs. Wade” Supreme Court blunder in 1973 – besides being a bad ruling with no constitutional support or reasoning – had many other unintended consequences. It destroyed the age-old rationale for marriage: “Women trade Sex for Love, and Men trade Love for Sex.” At one time that saying meant that a “man really needed to love and commit to a woman in marriage.” While the saying should not draw the conclusion that women don’t enjoy sex – or that men are not loving – it does explain the “family-preserving motivation” of each gender. In a previous age, prior to the Sexual Revolution, women were expected to be the “gate-keepers” in this arrangement. But once the Sexual Revolution and Medical Science appeared to solve the problem of unwanted pregnancy, this arrangement was turned upside down. Men no longer needed to Love, Marry or Commit, as Women granted Sexual favors freely – with little or no reference to a long-term relationship – either in reality or pretense.
Heightened sexualization of women may sound heterosexual, but as men burned out through overstimulation, they sought new avenues of pleasure, involving young children and even other men. Paul made it clear that this behavior was the result of turning away from God and doing things His way:
“And the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error” (Romans 1:27).
Sadly, many men have given up on natural relations with women. Relationships with “real flesh and blood” members of the fairer sex take real effort and time. There are many other less complicated options available. Besides the voyeurism of our current hook-up culture, men, and now a considerable number of women, are turning to online sexual encounters with anonymous images. Internet porn is the main source of exposure to and promotion of Gay-Lesbian relationships. One psychiatrist and analyst from Psychology Today noted Four Ways Porn Use Causes Problems:
Because how sex impacts the brain, pornography essentially short-circuits other systems, undermining secure attachment and intimacy.
Frequent porn viewing is associated with lower sexual satisfaction.
Pornography use begets loneliness, and loneliness begets pornography use.
The chance of divorce doubles for both men and women who started using porn after getting married.
These problems are alarming. Far from helping in relationships, porn clearly undermines real intimacy and attachment, lowers sexual satisfaction, promotes loneliness and increases the likeliness of divorce. So, the question must be asked: “How exactly do all these trends foster the Abolition of Woman?” The answer should be apparent to those familiar with my writing, seeing a common thread in all these alternatives to God’s design for men and women in marriage – All of these sexual behaviors are Sterile! They do nothing to preserve the race of humanity by bringing children safely into a family where they can be nurtured into healthy and productive adults. We live in an age where Brainwashing doesn’t occur only by psychological manipulation, but by the very “Spirit of the Age.” An entire generation of “Men Without Chests,” that is, men ”without a love for what is true, noble, virtuous and good,” are now making big plans for the rest of mankind, while shaking their fists in the face of God.
Women are being disenfranchised from our culture through the one-two punch promoted by The New World Order. And this one-two punch encourages women to make only one choice: Sexually behave like a man, or be abandoned! The one-two punch of: 1.) Being replaced, as men give up natural relations for the Sexual Swinger Lifestyle, Porn or Gay encounters, and 2.) Aborting “the procreative life,” the most amazing gift that women offer to preserve humanity. Women are also being given up to dishonoring their bodies with relations that are contrary to nature:
“For this reason, God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature” (Romans 1:24-26).
From a human perspective, the future doesn’t look any brighter. Modern cultures have swallowed the Environmental Religious Brainwashing of The New World Order. Birthrates in the West have fallen well below replacing current populations, while Women are being squeezed out of every sport they participate in by so-called Transgender Women (who are really still men). Confused men – having abandoned God’s design – are now aspiring to be women, wearing the most gaudy and provocative women’s wear available – clearly “abhorrent to God” (Deuteronomy 22:5). And now Artificial Intelligence and Robotics is promising to create Sexbots (sex robots) to satisfy any urge men or women may have. We should all be concerned that the “fairer sex,” and their God-designed function among human-kind, will ultimately be replaced. While it hasn’t completely happened yet, The Abolition of Woman is on the horizon.
So as not to leave my readers in despair, remember the promise that we have from our Faithful God: “I will not leave you, nor will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5b). Regardless of how debauched and broken the world around us is, we need to keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, the “Alpha and Omega” of our faith. He will bring us through the trials and troubles that are sure to come to the faithful who resist The New World Order. In good time, our Savior will rescue us from this broken and miserable world, and deliver us with rejoicing into His very Presence!
Soli Deo Gloria!
I believe the whole article explains it backwards. First of all it is implicitly promoted that EVE is the pinnacle of YAHWEH'S CREATION, by constantly harping on the assumed notion that EVE was created in order to restrain ADAM. Which considering YAHWEH'S WORD this must be considered false. One possible (most likely) explanation being that the gospel of THE CULT OF MATERIALISM has caught up with the author. One evidence - in my estimation - for this is the following quote - among MANY others - ....
" He will bring us through the trials and troubles that are sure to come to the faithful who resist The New World Order."
Considering YAHWEH'S WORD this must be false. As THE…