"So Jesus said to those who believed in him, “If you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” - John 8:31-32
Honest commentary on current cultural, political and religious issues from a conservative, biblical and Christian perspective.
Jesus before Pontius Pilate
“Free Will: The Answer That Is No Answer”
“In Christ Alone: Reflections on Good Friday and Easter Sunday”
“Ready Player One: The Pretend World of Virtual Reality”
“Godless Wokeism: The Absence of Light and Heat!”
Caesar Brandon: “Am I Not Merciful?”
“World Peace: Make Ukrainia Great Again”
“Social Justice: We Did It All Faux (Fō) Love!”
“From Russia With Love” - by Joe Brandon the Artful Dodger!
“Science, Falsely So-Called” (1 Timothy 6:20)
“Build that Wall Donald Trump!" (Or was that Nehemiah?)
“Welcome to the Cancel-Approval Culture!”
“Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign!”
“Robert the Bruce, Patron Saint of the RINO Republicans!”
“The Racist Who Received the Ellis Island Award”
“Then a new Joseph came to power, who knew nothing about King or what he had done.”
“January 6th - False Flag, or Insurrection Day?"
“For Who Makes You Different from Anyone Else?”
“Faith, Reason or Ignorance?”
“They Show That the Work of the Law is Written on their Hearts” - Reflections on Romans 2:15
"Some Children See Him - Reflections on Diversity & Faith"